Friday, April 17, 2009

EPA snorts Nitrous Oxide, Declares Carbon Dioxide a Pollutant

EPA's proposed endangerment finding is based on rigorous, peer-reviewed scientific analysis of six gases – carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride – that have been the subject of intensive analysis by scientists around the world. The science clearly shows that concentrations of these gases are at unprecedented levels as a result of human emissions, and these high levels are very likely the cause of the increase in average temperatures and other changes in our climate.

Does this mean that the EPA is going to ban Coca-Cola and other carbonated drinks?  We'll also need a new department to regulate breathing. Even plants that use CO2 during the day, emit it at night.  And all those "green" compost heaps are now going to be illegal polluters.

Water vapor is by far the most significant "greenhouse gas".  Maybe the EPA should regulate teapots and hot showers.

This is not science.  This is not environmental protection.  This is crazy.  We're sacrificing our economy on the alter of some strange doomsday religious faith.

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