Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Help Us Lead the Renewal by Kathryn Jean Lopez on National Review Online

This year, we've added a few new levels of sponsorship support (and additional tokens of thanks) for those who invest $100 or more in the present and future of NRO. Donations of $1,000 or more include new opportunities for access to our editors and writers. 

Your donation — whether it be $5,000 or $50 — will go directly toward the cost of runningNRO: our recent necessary server upgrade, salaries, author's fees (which have not grown with inflation since NRO was first established) and essential support services. Your generosity, in other words, will keep this light on and shining bright in the wilderness.

And as you donate, I encourage you to e-mail me with your suggestions as we look toward the next four years together. 

Make your donation here. Thank you for your support. We can't do this without you.

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