Thursday, May 28, 2009

Furor grows over partisan car dealer closings

Instapundit is collecting the evidence which is (maybe, sorta) indicating that politics might be involved in deciding what car dealerships to close.  Hmmm, hard to imagine political considerations being part of the government's beneficent management of an automaker.  I'm shocked!

First, from the Washington Examiner:
Evidence appears to be mounting that the Obama administration has systematically targeted for closing Chrysler dealers who contributed to Repubicans.

Then from a reader:
one of the guys advising SecTreas on this thing is married to someone who used to be one of the people in charge of fundraising for the Democratic Party. 

If it saves one union job, it's all worth it.  Right?

1 comment:

IgorMarxo said...

Want to loose car dealership or other job. Donate money to RNC or any opponent of Obama.

Next he start shipping people to Siberia or North Alaska work camp!

Since Obama refused to release her certificate,

I Igor produce Barrack Milhaus Hussein Obama Birth Certificate at