Monday, March 30, 2009

Saturday Night Lights update

Let's admit that the "Light up the night to support Obama" effort was not completely successful.  The forces of negativity organized a counter offensive and encouraged people to turn off the lights, apparently to show that with this depression no one can afford the electricity anymore.  I'm not going to link to them because that would only call more attention to their efforts to embarrass the President.  The main point is that most people lit up the sky to symbolize unity, and things are going to get better.  We hear that Al Gore was with us in Nashville so that's encouraging.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We all know that this is a perfect example of the false flag global warming scam. Science has proven that humans are only responsible for about 3% of the entire CO2 output. No matter how many doctors and scientists under corporate flags claim the opposite, there are even more independent ones that provide rebutting evidence and inform people of the truth. With scandals everywhere from the LHC's scientist connect with Al Qaida and the false claims to positive swine flu vaccine tests, it is now our job to question even the most qualified doctors and scientists.
Pelican Lights