Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Maverick in a pantsuit

However, what she can do is stay in the picture long enough as an off-color liberal commentator, the beaten but unbowed grand dame, ever with the ready opinion on every foible of the Obama campaign. She can present herself to voters as the missed opportunity, the jilted ex-lover for whom they all still secretly pine. [...]

Yes, this strategy will make the Tammany bosses angry and perhaps even "bitter," but if it works or helps unhorse the golden boy with the nutty preacher and oily ties to the Chicago demimonde, what choice will they have in four years? Adlai Stevenson didn't get them anywhere, maybe it's time to revisit Richard Nixon in a pantsuit. After all, the only thing that exceeds the Clintonian immunity to defeat is the Democratic willingness to forgive all Clintonian sins for the sake of victory.

I suppose this is another way of saying that Hillary is about to become the Democratic party's John McCain?  They're both willing to damage their parties in order to further their own political ambitions.  She's a maverick in a pantsuit.

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