Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day

> Ronald Reagan, 1986:
> Memorial Day is an occasion of special importance to all Americans, > because it is a day sacred to the memory of all those Americans who > made the supreme sacrifice for the liberties we enjoy. We will never > forget or fail to honor these heroes to whom we owe so much. We > honor them best when we resolve to cherish and defend the liberties > for which they gave their lives. Let us resolve to do all in our > power to assure the survival and the success of liberty so that our > children and their children for generations to come can live in an > America in which freedom’s light continues to shine.
> The Congress, in establishing Memorial Day, called for it to be a > day of tribute to America’s fallen, and also a day of national > prayer for lasting peace. This Nation has always sought true peace. > We seek it still. Our goal is peace in which the highest aspirations > of our people, and people everywhere, are secure: peace with > freedom, with justice, and with opportunity for human development. > This is the permanent peace for which we pray, not only for > ourselves but for all generations.
> The defense of peace, like the defense of liberty, requires more > than lip service. It requires vigilance, military strength, and the > willingness to take risks and to make sacrifices. The surest > guarantor of both peace and liberty is our unflinching resolve to > defend that which has been purchased for us by our fallen heroes.
> On Memorial Day, let us pray for peace — not only for ourselves, but > for all those who seek freedom and justice.

Posted via email from The Blue Pelican

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