Monday, September 22, 2008

Shared Sacrfice [Jonah Goldberg in The Corner]

Me quoting Jonah Goldberg quoting Glenn Reynolds quoting the Tax Foundation...  The giants of the blogosphere in one post!

Glenn Reynolds, in a worthwhile post:

On a related note, I think we should rethink this business of having lots of Americans who don't pay income tax. As the Tax Foundation comments: "It is time for a serious public discussion of whether it is desirable to have so many Americans disconnected from the cost of government and what the consequences are of using the tax system as a vehicle for social policy."

Personally, I'd like to see everyone pay at least some income tax, and I'd like to see the amount of tax paid, by everyone, go up or down every year in tandem with federal spending. That would encourage fiscal discipline directly. It would also make it harder for politicians to promise everybody a free lunch, but hey — why shouldn't they sacrifice something, too?

Amen. Taxes should be paid by check, by taxpayers. Indeed, if I could have my way, election day and tax day would be the same day and the back of your check would be your ballot. 

Another approach is to adopt the Fair Tax as advocated by Neal Boortz.  Rush Limbaugh seems to favor a flat tax, but Rush has said that the Fair Tax book is worth reading.  Sean Hannity also appears sympathetic to the Fair Tax.  I hope that's enough name dropping for one post.  :-)

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