Thursday, November 29, 2007

Michelle Malkin » Digging out more CNN/YouTube plants: Abortion questioner is declared Edwards supporter (and a slobbering Anderson Cooper fan); Log Cabin Republican questioner is declared Obama supporter; lead toy questioner is a prominent union activist for the Edwards-endorsing United Steelworkers

Digging out more CNN/YouTube plants: Abortion questioner is declared Edwards supporter (and a slobbering Anderson Cooper fan); Log Cabin Republican questioner is declared Obama supporter; lead toy questioner is a prominent union activist for the Edwards-endorsing United Steelworkers

Imagine if the Democrats had had a debate on Fox News and Republican operatives had managed to infiltrate the show as questioners.  Does anyone doubt that it would have been the work of "a vast right-wing conspiracy"?  I imagine that some media people might have even wondered out loud about the journalistic ethics of Fox:  either they were in on it or they are hopelessly incompetent.  People are joking that CNN should learn about Google (the best, as usual is Scrappleface's CNN to Team with Google for Next GOP Debate), but that's letting them off pretty lightly compared to how the Kossacks would treat Fox News in a comparable position.  I like this quote from Scarborough.

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